Today is the 1st of July and across the country, dedicated community members are locking up their liquid vices for the month of Dry July.
Dry July is a fundraising initiative, which challenges Aussies to give up booze for a month to help support our community members living with cancer. Funds raised go towards services for adult cancer patients, with the intention of improving wellbeing for them and their families.
As an added bonus, participants of Dry July get to enjoy the health benefits of 31 days of alcohol-free detox, as well as the chance to reflect on their own drinking habits.
It’s fair to say we are a country of drinkers and don’t shy away from a social glass of wine or few beers at a barbecue. But with numerous studies pointing to worrying binge drinking, high numbers of preventable illness and death due to alcohol and a growing “drinking” culture in our young people, it’s worth unpacking our own alcohol consumption habits.
Dry July is the perfect opportunity to do just this – it’s the chance to clear your head and make a difference.
The team at Dry July offer some helpful tips to get you started. They suggest safety in numbers – join a team to help motivate each other. When strength and willpower are waning, focus on the cause. Get maximum benefit by transforming your lifestyle – change your whole diet and exercise routine and experience real difference.
For more tips and tools for fundraising, getting motivated and getting dry, visit Dry July website, Facebook and Twitter.