Indigenous people of Australia and the international community unite this weekend in world famous Byron Bay, coming together for the inaugural Boomerang Festival.
Spanning over the long weekend from 4-6 October 2013, the Boomerang Festival features a massive program of music, dance, comedy, theatre, film and cultural events from local, national and global Indigenous communities.
Held in the beautiful, natural surrounds of the Tyagarah Tree Farm in Byron Bay, the Boomerang Festival is the first of its kind in Australia, incorporating a holistic, organic and inclusive approach to the celebration of our nations and the world’s Indigenous cultures.
Indigenous Australian offerings from musicians such as Gurrumul, Casey Donovan, Thelma Plum, Frank Yamma will be complimented by celebration of the unique and stunning Indigenous fine arts as well as exhilarating dance and theatre acts.
Global cultures will also be a part of the festival, including those from Fiji, Torres Strait Island, Papua New Guinea, Aotearoa New Zealand and Chile. Powerful Maori music group Moana and the Tribe are not to be missed, as well as cultural fusion Wantok Sing Sing, featuring a culmination of international Indigenous artists, producing a once in a lifetime experience of spectacular global grooves and cultural collectivism.
It’s a smorgasbord of indigeneity, colour and culture and all less than an hour from Robina in the beautiful Northern NSW city of Byron Bay, making it a great day trip for Gold Coast City residents.
Be a part of history and join in this awesome all-embracing event celebrating the diversity of Indigenous cultures at home and across the globe.
For the full programme of events and more details about this one of a kind cultural collaboration, visit Boomerang Festival