Celebrating the step-by-step nature of happiness, wellbeing and wellness, mental health organisation Beyond Blue are rolling out a new campaign to promote good mental health for women, one step at a time.

As women’s health week approaches this September, Beyond Blue are asking Australian women what it is that makes them feel good, healthy and happy. What brings you fulfilment and contentment?

Simply snap a happy shot of this healthy goodness, encapsulating the theme of ‘taking 1 step for better mental health’, submit your entry and be in to win one of three awesome photography prizes (check them out here)

Beyond Blue’s ‘take one step’ initiative is all about getting in touch with yourself and being mindful of your mental health, as well as recognising what it is that makes you feel good and well. Identifying your feelings and understanding what contributes to helping you stay mentally healthy are all the steps Beyond Blue are encouraging Aussies to take towards health and happiness.

Now you can share that goodness with the world through the Healthy Snaps competition and potentially share in the amazing prizes on offer.

Check out www.beyondblue.org.au to learn all about the ‘take one step’ and healthy snaps campaigns.

Get out there Gold Coast City and get happy snapping as you take one step towards a healthier you.