Sip4Sip exists to do business for good with GREAT coffee

What if .. when you got coffee… someone in need was given life saving water??

Whether it’s a piccolo, macchiato, cappuccino, latte, flat white, mocha, espresso, or a half-shot-latte-on-soy-with-hazelnut-and-a-sprinkle-of-cinnamon… (breathe!) WE. LOVE. COFFEE.  It’s not just the taste, although the taste is pretty bloody fantastic.

The smell intrigues your senses as the brew takes its journey from bean to nectar. Smells that re-ignite memories of slow mornings, fun conversations, first loves and deep, dark hangovers.

The warmth you get on a cold morning with that first sip…like a hug from your mum but from the inside of your chest out.  It’s the people like Sip4Sip that take a simple bean and turn it into an art form. The passion, the science, and the vision that goes into roasting to get a unique blend that its creator can call its own.

But Sip4Sip Coffee isn’t JUST about the coffee…. it’s about making a difference. Using a such-loved product to make real, and sustainable impact in the world.

Sip4Sip is one of many businesses now working out of the Gold Coast Innovation Hub at Robina. The insideR team chats to founder, Mick Haze to find out more about the Sip4Sip concept and what he loves about working in Robina and the GC Hub.   (Story continues after video):

In partnership with Buy1Give1 the Sip4Sip program is making a difference, starting with WATER.  Water is such an easy, take for granted, resource for us, yet it’s such a huge problem around the world for millions of people. With Sip4Sip, for every sip of coffee sold they provide a sip of water to someone in need. WHAT DOES THAT LOOK LIKE? – 1 week of coffee beans = 1 MONTH of clean, lifesaving water for someone who has none! HOW COOL IS THAT??!!

Making a difference is the core purpose for Sip4Sip Coffee. But it doesn’t stop there.  They are aiming to create an experience that makes a difference for everyone they connect with. From the culture and core values for the team to the customer experience that you receive and the partnerships created with suppliers.

We think it’s a fantastic initiative and we welcome the team to Robina!

Whether you’re a startup or established business, if you want to become involved with business networking events in Robina, be sure to check out what’s on at the Gold Coast Innovation Hub and also the Robina Hub.