Design your way to serenity at home

The cultivation of relaxation at home is a delicate balance, yet so simple.  We seek environments of tranquility and beauty to escape our day-to-day lives and it is essential for the wellbeing of our souls and that feeling of freedom.  When we escape to a relaxing holiday destination, we easily unwind without any thought given to how we let the mind and daily routine go. The stress seems to fade away.

On the penultimate day of the holiday, the tension tends to creep back into our muscles. Our routine thoughts start to tick over again and we start to think of leaving our adopted pad to return home to our tumultuous lives.  This can send us into a spiral of deflation.  So how do we get to hold onto that escapist vibe when the holiday’s over?  They say home is where the heart is … right? Well, heart is exactly what you need to create the escapist vibe you crave and deserve at home.

Bringing the holiday home: How to design your getaway space

The key to carving out perfectly comfortable spaces at home – spaces to unwind from the daily grind – is easier and cheaper than you might think.  It’s all about subtlety.  It could be as simple as a choice of colour, fabric or texture that triggers our senses to escapism.  The general assumption is that we need to directly replicate to achieve the chill zone we inhabited on our getaway. That is not the the way I see it and if you do try to replicate, you are bound to get it wrong.

I love an eclectic, artefact infused home, full of collected memories from around the world or treasured heirlooms from past generations. To me, it always feels so inviting and homely and these surrounds prompt so many questions and conversations.  Whilst eclectic homes tend to have a reputation for being clutter-filled, I feel that eclectic can indeed be minimalist and simplistic if you keep the heartfelt charm and intention true, while staying fresh and new.

Six ideas to help you to create your escapist space at home

1. Trend or just bad spend?

Botanique 1

A huge mistake is buying “ON TREND” ornaments or trinkets “just to fill a space”.  If you need to find something for an empty corner or surface, look at moving things around with collections you already have or search for something you absolutely love. Keep evolving and rotating your collections, that way you don’t get bored. I love the simplicity of fresh greenery or flowers placed in an imperfect vase on an antique side table. Guaranteed you will waste your money if you buy to be on trend or to fill a space. You have to love and adore the piece for all the right reasons. Think timeless.

2. The right thread


As mentioned, the tactile nature of fabric can be a trigger to feeling blissful.  If you are longing for a certain fabric’s look or feel, go and find the right cushions, throws, sheets or that perfect sofa to give you that sense of indulgence.  Place them in your escapist space, on a daybed and under a window filled with natural light.

For me, the ultimate fabrics have natural textures and natural fibres.  Like organic cottons, crushed worn cottons, cotton knitted throws and raw linens.  These fabrics work perfectly for us Queenslanders due to the exceptional coolness and freshness they offer in hot weather.

Once these soft furnishings are in place, simply add an interesting plant (in a round pot) in the corner and a pile of your favourite books on a timber coffee table.

3. Toss it

Boheme bed

As the old saying goes “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it”.  I do agree in some respects, definitely don’t fix it, upcycle, donate or … smash it against the wall!  If if it is not broken and that’s the only reason you still have it, lose it.  In all seriousness, if you do not like it or you hate it, get rid of it. It’s good for the soul to let things go, and your new escape space will thank you.

If you are torn about losing something because of its value, sell it and use the money to replace it with something you DO love. Don’t keep things around that you don’t like.  If it makes you uncomfortable in your own home, toss it.. leave it, don’t pull up quick to retrieve it!! 

[Apologies.. A bit of  Sir Mix-A-Lot 90’s lyric, I couldn’t help myself!]

I guess that is my way of saying, you have no time for unwanted guests in your new calm home environment. “Declutter” eh?

4. It’s a love story


Display the special things and photographs you collected travelling, the passed on heirlooms from past generations, get your child’s flamboyant paintings out and professionally frame them. These things are your life and have meaning; they hold a story and are always a talking point.  Most importantly, they create warmth in the home.  Find the right spaces for them and don’t hide love.

5. Rearrange to suit the members of the household

re-arrange 1


Place furniture to be social and inclusive, design your space with your family or flatmates in mind. That’s all..

6. Cooking with gas

Cooking Botanique 1

Cook for your family/friends at home as much as possible.  What does this have to do with interior design? Seriously??

Cooking gives you time to hold a cheeky beverage over the stove in a “REAL and HONEST” state of mind as you ponder and unwind.  Relax, live and share with the family and people you love and enjoy.  If you don’t cook,  sit and connect over laughs and candid conversation with the person kindly cooking your heart-filled meal for you. Use your spaces as they are intended – don’t treat your home as a show house… and use the good China!

Feel your home and stay true to its bones and it will be sure to speak with you.

Keep your house, apartment, unit – your home – honest to your personality

On a final note, all you need to do is remember to infuse your home with love and honesty.


We welcome you to visit our Botanique and Bohème display homes pictured above. Whilst they are not infused with personal collections, they are simplistic and fresh with a sense of that holiday vibe. You never know, they might inspire you to get started on your own escapist space.

Read more about Boheme Apartments here.